Buying your coffee already ground certainly has its perks. It’s fast, convenient, and doesn’t require a grinder. But have you ever considered grinding your own beans? Adding this extra step does add a bit of extra work, so let’s explore the pros and cons. Then, we’ll dive into Shardor grinders so you can see if it’s a worthy investment for you.
Grinding Your Coffee
One of the most significant advantages is that it gives you control over the grind size and, ultimately, your brewing process. You can decide just how coarse or fine your grinds are, allowing you to brew the perfect cup of coffee for your liking. Additionally, you'll preserve the quality of your coffee, which can lose freshness when it's preground. And, of course, this step can be an enjoyable part of your routine. Many enjoy the sound and smell of grinding their beans in the morning.
However, grinding beans is only for some. It takes some extra time and requires you to have a coffee grinder. If you're interested but don't have one, don't worry! Is it cheaper to grind beans at home vs. buying preground? We have an excellent article for you to read.
Let's check out Shardor, a well-known brand that sells various coffee products.
About Shardor
Shardor is an innovative enterprise that focuses on small household appliances. The brand's products are coffee gadgets, including French presses, milk frothers, and coffee grinders. Shardor sells two main kinds: Some grind with a blade, while others use a burr system.
Shardor Blade Coffee Grinders

The blade coffee grinders work similarly to a small blender or a Nutribullet. You add your beans into the removable stainless cup at the top. If you have a push-control blade grinder, just put on the lid and press down. You can also get an automatic version, which starts with the press of a button. The stainless-steel metal blade at the bottom of the cup will grind your beans in 20 seconds or less, depending on how coarse or fine you want them.
Where can I buy a Shardor blade grinder?
Shardor sells a variety of different blade grinders. Here are some that you can find on Amazon.
What are the pros and cons of Shardor blade grinders?
Inside the Shardor blade grinder
- Less expensive than burr grinders
- Take up little counter space
- Lightweight
- Amazon reviewers say they're quick and easy to use
- Motor can overheat
- Amazon reviewers have reported pieces getting stuck in the grinder's cracks
- Blades can be dangerous to clean
- Loud grinding process, according to Amazon reviewers
Shardor Burr Coffee Grinders

Your other Shardor option is a grinder that uses an electric burr system. Two burr pieces with abrasive surfaces grind the beans instead of finely chopping them up. Burr grinders are typically what professional baristas use since they create more consistent coffee than the blade version.
But that doesn't mean that burr grinders are perfect. Let's check out the pros and cons of the Shardor's burr grinders so that you can compare.
Where can I buy a Shardor burr grinder?
You can find burr grinders for sale on Amazon.
What are the pros and cons of Shardor burr grinders?
- No overheating of the coffee beans
- Easy cleaning with removable hopper, upper burr, and chamber
- Quieter than blade grinders
- Uniform grinding for best flavor extraction and consistency
- Take up more space than blade grinders
- Generally more expensive
- Some Amazon reviewers have reported messes due to static chambers in some kinds of these grinders
- Heavier than blade grinders
Like the blade grinders, there are several different Shardor burr grinders. Here are some options that vary in the number of settings and amount of beans they can grind.
- 14 precise grind settings, 2-12 cups
- 16 precise grind settings, 2-14 cups
- 31 precise grind settings with a digital timer display
- 35 precise grind settings, 2-12 cups
Which One Is Best For You?
With such a diverse array of options from Shardor, it isn't easy to choose a grinder. I recommend comparing the pros and cons of the company's blade grinders and burr grinders. Once you decide which route works best for you, you can compare individual products.
Top Tips for Picking a Grinder
- Price
- Size
- Loudness
- Weight
- Blade vs. Burr: Coffee uniformity and consistency
- Coffee-making capacity
- Automatic vs. push-control
- Number of grind settings
There are so many ways to create your perfect coffee. Of course, you can explore different brewing methods, like ceramic coffee filters, French press, and pour-over. But whether or not you grind your beans can also impact your brew. Keeping in mind the pros and cons of the process and the products, it's up to you to decide whether you want to try grinding your beans with a Shardor grinder.