The cup of coffee that you have come to enjoy and rely on each morning has seen many changes over the decades. From the once-modern stovetop percolators to the countertop drip coffee machines to the now-trendy Keurigs, each has played its role in creating the perfect cup of coffee. As with almost everything else in today's world, how we brew our coffee has a new and upcoming kid on the block. That kid is Cometeer Coffee.
Who Founded Cometeer?
Cometeer was founded in Gloucester, Massachusetts, in 2012 by Matthew Roberts, alongside such notable names in coffee as the founder of the Keurig Green Mountain brand, Nespresso's former president, and investors in Blue Bottle.
Cometeer is seeing great success following the at-home brewing crazy spurred by the recent pandemic. Coffee drinkers couldn't get their favorite cup of coffee at the local coffee shop, so they searched for a means to make it themselves at home.
What Sets Cometeer Coffee Apart?

With the creation of Cometeer, the once pesky barrier that prevented coffee drinkers from enjoying a high-quality, coffee shop-style beverage in the comfort of their home no longer exists. Cometeer has forever changed the coffee brewing landscape by producing hyper-frozen coffee capsules.
Cometeer offers coffee drinkers a new choice for their morning brew. The company makes coffee capsules that are frozen. To achieve the best possible cup of coffee, the beans Cometeer uses in the capsules are ground at their peak of freshness and then brewed at ten times the average strength of coffee. The resulting brew is then flash-frozen and placed into highly concentrated capsules.
How Is Cometeer Coffee Created?

The process involves the hyper-freezing of brewed coffee in liquid nitrogen temperatures of minus 321 degrees Fahrenheit. Hyper-freezing the coffee at this temperature locks in its flavors. Cometeer selectively sources the coffee from various roasters in the USA, which they then use in the process.
Several factors go into the extraction procedure used. Grind size, roast level, and oxidation are all considered to produce the best-tasting coffee on the market. Once they find the right combination, the coffee is lowered into a liquid nitrogen bath to lock in the full flavor.
The capsules are filled with the frozen coffee creating a single-sized serving, and then frozen cryogenically through the introduction of liquid nitrogen again. The process allows the product to be shipped directly to consumers, who only need to use water to melt the capsules.
How To Use The Capsules

What makes the Cometeer capsules even more unique in their manufacturing is their ability for utilization in several different ways, according to the consumer's choice and taste. All that is required is that you run warm water over the capsule. After that, the options for coffee styles are endless.
You can place the softened capsule in one of the K-cup-compatible coffee machines, such as the ever-popular Keurig. Add the capsule to milk for a latte, to cold water for an iced coffee, use it as a topping for your ice cream, or take it up a notch and stir it into some vodka.
The capsules are also environmentally friendly, offering a more sustainable option than the typical K-cup pods in that all of Cometeers packaging features recyclable aluminum, and the company composts the coffee grounds they use to produce the capsules.
How To Store The Capsules
Since the coffee used in capsules is flash frozen, the flavor and freshness of Cometeer have a longer shelf-life than most of its competitors. The coffee will taste as fresh as from day one or several months later. The best thing is that Cometeer Coffee does not contain any preservatives—only water and coffee.
Cometeer ships their coffee capsules in dry ice, and you can have the capsules arrive right at your door. When they arrive, they must be quickly placed into your freezer and stored until used. Keeping the coffee boxes is easy and convenient and should pose no problem for you to find a spot for them in your freezer.
If you decide you do not need to use the capsules immediately, you can refreeze them.
If you want to brew a cup later, the capsules can be left out for a maximum of 24 hours at room temperature or as many as three days in the fridge and will still maintain their peak flavor.
What Flavors Do They Offer?

Cometeer offers boxes in eight different options, each based on your choice of roast or roasters. Consumers have choices ranging from light to dark, and each package contains eight capsules totaling 32 cups of coffee.
How Much Does It Cost?

Each box of Cometeer coffee will cost you $64, including free shipping. With a little quick math, that figures out at $2 a cup. Although this is more than it would cost you to brew coffee from traditional bagged grounds at home, it is significantly lower than a stop at your local coffee shop or Starbucks.
Where Can I Buy Cometeer Coffee?
You can purchase their coffee directly off their website here.